Tonya Gilmore’s “Phantoms Fill The Sky”


Available at your favorite online music retailer

Tonya’s Full length album is filled with the sounds of ghosts of all kinds. Tonya’s voice is haunting as are her lyrics, and hopefully you’ll agree that the music sets the stage perfectly for her stories.  Much of what I said about the joys of working on her EP Something To Run From could be re-iterated with respect to Phantoms.

Noah Hall was instrumental to the production of this album. His suggestions and feedback were invaluable. The piano and guitar work of Nathan Anderson was magnificent all around, but my favorite moment of recording with Nathan was when he ripped through several stunning dirty wurly solos for “Pitchfork and a Torch”, all of which were amazing, but we picked probably the quirkiest of them for the album, which was Tonya’s favorite. I think you should listen to it and tell someone what you think.


Photo by Sandi Lovegrove

Mark Powers on drums is a very good thing to have. He played on most of the album tracks. His drumming was fundamental to “Ink”, one of the tracks I am most proud of. Mark’s insane drum part combined with swell of Joe Harchanko’s cellos, the moog fading in and out against Tonya’s haunting piano, accomplished exactly the feeling I hoped to for the song. Rob Harris added the perfect drum parts to “Pitchfork”, “Brittle Bones”, and “Werewolf”. Working with Rob is always a pleasure and he worked hard to give me exactly what I wanted. The big stomping angry sound of “pitchfork” was my favorite moment working with Rob on this album. Noah Hall played Glockenspiel on “Excorcise”, and Michael Manning added some otherworldly textures with musical saw which you can hear on tracks like “Prism” and on “Exorcise and Plenty of Sleep” where we used his percussive scraping and rattling of chains and child’s leg brace. You will also hear the softer, sweeter side of his saw on “Brittle Bones”.

I think this album represents my best work so far as an engineer and a producer, so obviously I am proud of it and would love if you would give it a listen before the rest of the world gets to it first and ruins it. Listen to it and buy on Tonya’s website:

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